Today 30th of Mar 2025
Mostly sunny weather: A high pressure field will guarantee stable weather.

The weather
Mostly sunny weather. During the day, the sky will be crossed by high clouds. Föhn wind will blow from the north in the valleys. Maximum temperatures between 13° in the Upper Eisack Valley and 22° in the South.

Mountain weather
In the mountains during the day, the sun will shine everywhere. The wind from the north will ease slightly. Towards evening, cloudiness will tend to increase on the border ridge.
Tomorrow 31st of Mar 2025
Snow showers in the north, more sun in the south: Strong northerly currents will bring moist air masses closer to the Alps.

The weather
Monday sunny weather towards the south. On the northernmost sectors the weather will be unstable with snow showers in transit. In many valleys, a north wind will blow at times with strong intensity. Afternoon temperatures ranged from 8° in Sterzing to 19° in Bozen.

Mountain weather
On the border ridge and on Ortles, visibility will often be reduced by clouds and snowfall. Sunnier weather towards the south. Occasionally very strong winds from the north. Temperatures falling.
The next days
Tuesday more sunshine: Tuesday sunny but windy weather over most of the territory. Sun and clouds will alternate in the sky on Wednesday. Winds from the north weakening. On Thursday, the weather will be mostly sunny with only a few harmless clouds in the sky. Very sunny weather also on Friday. Spring-like temperatures with highs up to 22°.